We all live in a bubble. A bubble where we are comfortable, living with the people we know, eating the same food, doing the same task, taking the same route, and entertainments.
Let's find out about that little bubble. What happens when we step out of that bubble? or is it better to stay in?
First, let's answer the big question what is Comfort zone in Psychology?
“The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.”
Why comfort zone is so underrated? Your zone is yours, you got it or made it and now moving out from the zone to a whole new life is strange, and taking a big step in life could be critical especially when we have to break the boundaries or expand, some succeed and some take us through strange roads and people. So there is a brighter side to staying in your comfort zone, what are they?
Staying in your comfort zone allows you to draw on experience you’ve gained from past performances, in areas you undoubtedly know well.
While new experiences can cause pause and trepidation, keeping in one’s comfort zone inspires confidence and limits anxiety.
Familiar activities tend to be less risky than unknown ones.
Coming back to your comfort zone after breaking boundaries can help you reinvigorate and psychologically recuperate before breaking new boundaries
Can complete it quickly and easily without too much forethought or planning.
But is it always like this? Every life-changing decision requires a little bit of scary thought. It is strange, but it also helps you in ways you never thought. You would meet people who could turn your life upside down. You would meet friends who could turn into family.
So getting out of the comfort zone is scary, but once you get out of the bubble, you create a new one. But this time, the bubble wouldn't be shrinking, it would expand as you grow.
Getting a job, getting married, living on our own, all seem scary at the beginning and maybe more scary in the middle too. But as we grow through our difficult phase, the one thing we get in return is the growth of ourselves. We grow in a lot of aspects that we never thought we need growth in those areas.
Why should anyone move out and reach Growth-zone?
You can’t make progress by keeping still If you stay in a comfort zone too long, it can make you complacent. If you don’t perform activities that somewhat scare or challenge you, you miss out on growth opportunities
No risk, no reward If you don’t try something new, you won’t succeed at anything new. Big rewards come to those willing to take risks, even if they aren’t large ones.
Not learning new skills If you only work on current strengths, you neglect the chance to develop new skills. In taking on risks, you work on new skills and spend time improving relative weaknesses.
Missing the opportunity to make your comfort zone bigger The more you try challenging activities, the more normal those tasks become, broadening your comfort zone to larger and larger dimensions.
Life is scary. And if forcing yourself to get out of the bubble won't make any difference. You should pick your own time to get out of your bubble, take time, take as many days or years you want. No one could force you to rediscover your life. It's something you should choose alone. And when you finally do get out of it, it is going to be bliss.
Trust the process. Trust the timing of your life and finally, trust yourself.
"My comfort zone is like a little bubble around me, and I’ve pushed it in different directions and made it bigger and bigger until these objectives that seemed totally crazy eventually fall within the realm of the possible" Alex Honnold
Stepping out of your comfort zone can feel daunting, but it’s essential for growth—whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal well-being. If you're feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about making that leap, support is available. At Koott, our experienced Malayali psychologists offer online counseling to help you navigate life's challenges and build the confidence to grow. Don't wait for change to come to you—take the first step toward transformation today.